A Northern Soul

A Northern Soul
A Northern Soul

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73 minutes






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Director Sean McAllister spends a year in his hometown of Hull, reflecting on the changes to the area during its time as UK city of culture in 2017, as well as the impact of long-term economic austerity on the area and its residents. The film largely follows subject Steve, a struggling warehouse worker by day and hip-hop performer by night, as he takes a musical bus around schools and local council estates to bring culture to those unlikely to be reached by the regeneration. Steve has a wonderful rapport with the young children, who demonstrate impressive poetry and hip-hop performance skills when encouraged. But the documentary, which has parallels with the work of Ken Loach, also angrily captures the impact of cuts on the community and individuals, complementing a warm, personal, but powerfully complex portrait of the area.


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15 Classification

Strong language.

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