Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
154 minutes
Drama, Period and Historical
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An epic retelling of one of the most the notorious moments in British history: the events surrounding the Peterloo Massacre. In August 1819, British troops charged into a crowd of over 60,000 pro-democracy protestors who had gathered in St Peter’s Field, Manchester, to peacefully bring awareness to rising levels of poverty and demand political reform. Many were killed, and even more were left injured, sparking outrage and action within Parliament. The events resulted in the Great Reform Act thirteen years later which changed the British electoral system, and also led to the founding of The Guardian newspaper. This is a compelling account of a key moment in British politics and one that gives a face to lesser-known protesters and their families.
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Documentary examining the events surrounding the 2003 Iraq war and the enormous global protest it provoked.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
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A powerful depiction of the rise of the Suffragist movement and some of the British women involved.
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