Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
105 minutes
Biopics, Drama, Period and Historical
English / French / Italian
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This passionate drama, written, directed by and starring Rupert Everett tells the story of the final years of writer Oscar Wilde’s life. Following imprisonment for “gross indecency” - a love affair with the beautiful but duplicitous Alfred Douglas - Wilde’s name was in disgrace and he traveled around Europe under a series of assumed names, his wealth diminished and his health rapidly deteriorating. However his genius and literary flair remained undiminished. Framed by Wilde’s own fable, ‘The Happy Prince’, recounted to his two young sons from his sickbed, this witty, campy and histrionic drama captures the writer’s character, wit, poetry and tragedy. It also movingly and angrily documents the shameful treatment of homosexuals that existed at the time.
A striking film about a gay man who struggles to get through life after the death of his partner.
Glossy Hollywood adaptation of the Oscar Wilde comedy
The life of gay, brilliantly witty writer Oscar Wilde is the basis for this film, in particular his disastrous relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas.
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Benedict Cumberbatch stars as pioneering mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing, who was highly influential, but persecuted for being gay.
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