Into Film Clubs
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91 minutes
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24 year-old African-American Recy Taylor was a mother and sharecropper who was raped by a gang of six white boys in Alabama, 1944. This was a common occurrence in the US southern states which at the time enforced Jim Crow racial segregation laws, but Recy Taylor bravely chose to identify her rapists. Led by the NAACP’s chief rape investigator Rosa Parks, she rallied community support which demanded justice and became a spark for racial equality in the US. Combining footage from classic films with emotional modern day testimony, this documentary is a sensitive and important examination of a significant moment within the Civil Rights Movement.
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Documentary in which the late writer James Baldwin looks back at his experiences through American history, most notably the Civil Rights movement.
Powerful drama based on a shocking real life story that provoked debate and protest in America.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
This outstanding documentary investigates September 15, 1963 - the day a bomb exploded inside an American church that had an all-black congregation.
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