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Peccadillo Pictures LGBTQ+ Shorts

Peccadillo Pictures LGBTQ+ Shorts
Peccadillo Pictures LGBTQ+ Shorts

Film Details




72 minutes


Animation, Coming of Age, Drama, Romance, Short Films, Silent


American Sign Language / Danish / English (English subtitles)


Peccadillo Pictures are the leading UK distributor of LGBTQ+ films. We have teamed up with them to curate a collection of shorts which chronicle aspects of the LGBTQ+ experience in Britain and around the world, focusing on youth-centred issues including coming out, young romance, bullying, as well as providing a celebration of queer representation. The collection demonstrates the extraordinary progress made around the world for LGBTQ+ rights, but also highlights how much work there is still to do.

An Afternoon (2014, Denmark, Danish, 9 mins)

Today is the day! Mathias is in love with Frederik and now he’s going to tell him just that… but when the moment of truth arrives is he brave enough to make the first move?

Closets (2015, UK, English, 19 mins)

This lighthearted drama tells the story of Henry, a teenager struggling with his sexuality in 1986. Hiding in his wardrobe, he time travels to the present day where he meets up with a similar teenager, Ben, occupying his same bedroom 30 years later.

Happy & Gay (2014, US, English, 11 mins)

A queer revisionist history of 1930s black and white cartoons, 'Happy & Gay' is a musical carton inspired by the power of representation.

Run(A)way Arab (2018, UK, English, 12 mins)

This semi-autobiographical film from a British-Iraqi director follows a drag queen who prepares to go on stage. As she does, she recalls the joy of being an 8-year-old boy helping her flamboyant Iraqi-Egyptian mother to get ready.

Sign (2016, US, American Sign Language, 15 mins)

When Ben summons up the courage to talk to Aaron at their local subway station he is surprised to find that Aaron is deaf. Despite the communication barrier, love blossoms. But their very different worlds threaten to tear them apart.

Silly Girl (2016, UK, English, 6 mins)

'Silly Girl' is about the first time you are noticed, the first time someone sees you for who you are, and the transformative nature of that moment.

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Peccadillo Pictures LGBTQ+ Shorts


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All titles are suitable for audiences aged 14+. There are moderate sex references throughout and occasional strong language.

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Peccadillo Pictures LGBTQ+ Shorts


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"It really is a chance for us to open children's minds to the power of film not just as a vehicle for entertainment but also as a way in to understanding their own world and the worlds of people whose lives are very different."

- Marlon Perkins, Teacher, Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed CofE Junior School, Kent