Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
107 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Period and Historical
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1953 Soviet Union, and Joseph Stalin has been in power for many years, with civilians and politicians in equal measure living in terror of his brutal, authoritarian regime, where one misjudged word could literally be fatal. Following his sudden death, a swift, farcical power struggle kicks in among his inner-circle, some of whom want positive change in the country, others more interested in power for themselves. Mostly, they are all desperately trying to stay alive. This dark, often violent comedy brilliantly uses humour to powerfully document the tyrannies of Stalin’s regime and demonstrate what can happen when power remains unchecked.
Adaptation of Orwell's chilling tale of futuristic Britain.
Set in a retro-futuristic Britain, when an admin clerk spots an error in his paperwork and tries to correct it he is taken on a nightmarish journey.
The last days of WWII inside Hitler's bunker as the Fuhrer loses grip on reality and the Soviets approach, as told by his secretary.
Film version of TV satire The Thick of It about the weaselly world of politics, in which a junior minister gets out of his depth in the run-up to war.
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