Britain on Film: LGBT Britain

Britain on Film: LGBT Britain
Britain on Film: LGBT Britain

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84 minutes






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This compilation of archive footage illustrates the history of LGBT lives, cultures and communities in Britain. With films spanning from 1909 to 1994, it documents a period in which homosexuality went from being a criminal offence to annual Pride celebrations, capturing the decades-long campaign for political change, and the shifting attitudes to LGBT people across the country through an engaging, often humorous collection of documentary material and short film. This is a moving and important programme, encompassing both the public fight for basic human rights and more personal, deeply moving stories, culminating in the right to proudly proclaim who you are.


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PG Classification

Mild sex references, discriminatory language. Please note the film contains a sequence of flashing lights which might affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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