Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
143 minutes
Based on a true story, Crime, Period and Historical, Thriller
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In the early hours of July 23rd 1967, a police raid at a popular unlicensed club in Detroit, Michigan resulted in the 12th Street Riot, one of the largest race riots in American history, which would last for five days. On the second day, police officer Philip Krauss shoots a suspected looter in the back, killing him instantly. Despite his superior recommending murder charges, officer Krauss is allowed to remain on active duty until further notice. On day three, a gathering at the Algiers Motel quickly escalates into violence, after a starting pistol is used to fire towards the police offers patrolling the streets. Consequently, Officer Philip Krauss – who was part of the crowd – leads an assault on the building and those inside it, in this brutal and tragic reconstruction of the infamous events.
This outstanding documentary investigates September 15, 1963 - the day a bomb exploded inside an American church that had an all-black congregation.
Powerful drama based on a shocking real life story that provoked debate and protest in America.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
In the US south in the 60s, just after the passing of the Civil Rights Act, a black police officer is arrested for a prominent white citizen's murder.
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