Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
120 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Romance
English / Urdu
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Actor and comedian Kumail Nanjiani plays a version of himself, based on his own true story. Kumail is a Pakistani Muslim living in Chicago, along with his immediate family. His parents continue to surprise Kumail, much to his disapproval, by inviting eligible bachelorettes to dinner as they attempt to arrange a marriage for their son. When Kumail meets Emily at one of his stand-up performances, they hit it off immediately. However, this new romantic development in his life leaves him torn between his religious upbringing, and a desire to break free of these cultural expectations. When Emily suddenly gets sick, Kumail bonds with his would-be in-laws, learning about the ups and downs of love and marriage in this contemporary, cross-cultural romantic comedy.
Comedy-drama about a young athletic man diagnosed with cancer and facing up to his sobering survival chances, with the help of a vulgar best friend.
Shirin, a bisexual Persian living in Brooklyn, struggles to juggle her numerous identities as she attempts the transition into responsible adulthood.
After a young man’s untimely death, his lover and mother attempt to grieve together despite having no common language between them.
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A young Irish immigrant starts an exciting new life in 1950s Brooklyn, but soon finds the past catching up with her.
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