Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
94 minutes
Drama, Period and Historical, Thriller, War
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Deep in the woods of the southern US state of Virginia in 1864 sits Miss Farnsworth’s school for girls, an ageing mansion protecting Miss Farnsworth, five students and teacher Edwina Morrow from the American Civil War which rages in the near distance. One day their sheltered existence is disrupted by the discovery of an injured enemy soldier, who they take into their care. Unused to male company, the girls and teachers alike are nervous of his motivations yet fascinated by his presence. Similar in tone to the director’s previous films, this is an atmospherically shot thriller bubbling with sexual tension and female empowerment that builds to a gripping and complex ending.
Based on Louisa May Alcott's classic novel, about four sisters growing up during the American Civil War.
Unsettling drama based on Toni Morrison's novel about a mysterious woman who enters the life of a former slave and is related to her disturbing past.
A bizarre outbreak of suicides among the girls of one family is the focus of this intelligent, haunting Sofia Coppola film.
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Five orphaned sisters are imprisoned by their family to guard their virtue in preparation to marry them off.
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