The Levelling

The Levelling
The Levelling

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84 minutes






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Clover is about to qualify as a vet, until she receives news that her older brother has died very suddenly. Having become detached from the family following the death of her mother, Clover returns to the farm she grew up on in Somerset. On arrival she discovers the land has been devastated by the impact of recent flooding in the area, while her father has become sullen and withdrawn. As the funeral approaches, Clover is forced to confront him about the livestock, the future viability of the farm, and the events leading up to her brother’s death. An uncompromising portrayal of the challenges of farming and rural life that handles its sensitive material with intelligence and compassion.


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15 Classification

Deals with suicide themes, contains scenes and discussion of animal slaughter. Strong language, sex references.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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