20th Century Women

20th Century Women
20th Century Women

Film Details




118 minutes


Based on a true story, Comedy, Coming of Age




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Dorothea is a single mum living with her teenage son Jamie and two lodgers in a large ramshackle house in the Californian beach town of Santa Barbara in 1979. A product of the depression era, Dorothea is a strong, independent woman with an eccentric, new age view on life. Bringing her son up at a time in America when the optimism of the 60s has faded due to the ongoing Cold War threat, Vietnam War and a new president, Dorothea becomes increasingly concerned for Jamie’s wellbeing. Worried about her ability to raise him as a well-rounded man she enlists the help of lodger Abbie and Jamie’s friend Julie to show him the way. Based on the filmmaker’s own experience of growing up, this is a quirky exploration of feminism, motherhood and boyhood in the context of a transformative period in American history.

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15 Classification

Strong sex references, strong language, drug misuse

Find out more on the BBFC website

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