Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
87 minutes
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Jason and Ade are two young footballers at a pivotal moment in their careers, heading towards fame and glory, or returning to a more ordinary life. Ahead of a crucial away match, the two men are sharing a room together. Amidst an intense atmosphere of macho posturing and bravado they suddenly kiss, a moment that has a profound impact on both of their lives. One of them goes on to superstardom, but is firmly closeted, increasingly detached from a stable emotional existence and languishing in self-hatred. Adapted from a successful play, this is a frank, topical and engrossing drama simmering with claustrophobic tension.
Very strong language, strong sex references, drug misuse.
Find out more on the BBFC website
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Uplifting comedy about an unlikely moment in recent British history when, in 1984, gay rights activists offered to support the striking miners.
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