

Film Details




123 minutes


Based on a true story, Drama, Period and Historical




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Based on the true story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple living in Virginia who fell in love and married out-of-state in the 1950s, when the civil rights laws in the US varied dramatically from state to state. Settling into their new life together, the couple come under harassment from the local police force who aggressively enforce Virginia’s miscegenation laws which forbade people of different races from marrying. Forced under threat of arrest to move away from their close-knit rural community to cramped city conditions in Washington, their case attracts the attention of human rights lawyers. Having been treated as criminals and undergone punishment in order to stay together, they refuse to continue in compliance with unjust laws when it comes to their growing family. For the sake of their children, they agree to a legal battle that could have far-reaching consequences for civil rights across the entire country.


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12 Classification

Infrequent racist language.

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