Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
109 minutes
English / Tamil
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Based on the true story of self-taught Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who travelled to England to publish his remarkable discoveries. Leaving behind his young bride, Ramanujan was excited to reveal his findings to the academic community, but instead came up against racial hostility. Ramanujan’s ability to produce theories seemingly instinctively was put under scrutiny by Professor GH Hardy, who without seeing the proof distrusted the young prodigy. Despite a frosty start, the two eventually formed a friendship that allowed them to push the academic boundaries and create work that fundamentally changed the world’s understanding of the concept of infinity.
An autistic teenage maths prodigy heads to China to take part in the International Mathematics Olympiad.
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This dazzling adventure set in Mumbai is the story of a slum-dwelling teen accused of cheating on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
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The true story of mathematical genius John Nash, who battles to overcome his schizophrenia condition and his personal demons.
Warm and emotional drama about a working class man hiding a remarkable talent for maths.
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