Into Film Clubs
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111 minutes
Based on a true story, Biopics, Drama
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Set in 1955, this is an intriguing account of the actor James Dean in the months before he hit big in Rebel Without A Cause. With his first film East of Eden about to be released, Dean was the rising star of Hollywood. Keen to be the one to capture this enigmatic actor on the cusp of greatness, photographer Dennis Stock demands an assignment with him for Life magazine (images that would later iconize Dean). However, getting the young, rebellious actor to sit for him is more difficult than he thought. As we watch Dennis chase Dean, the film builds a thoughtful and visually rich portrait of a gentle, young man at odds with fame and the controls of the Hollywood Studio System.
Dramatic biopic of the troubled Joy Division singer Ian Curtis.
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Classic 1950s drama about a moody teenager who is the new kid in town and all too soon gets into all kinds of trouble, much to his parents' despair.
Engrossing tragi-comedy centring on the friendship between two street drifters, a troubled gay youth in love with a rebellious rich kid.
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