Jobanni no Shima (Giovanni's Island)

Jobanni no Shima (Giovanni's Island)
Jobanni no Shima (Giovanni's Island)

Film Details




101 minutes


Animation, Drama


Japanese / Russian


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Based on true events, Giovanni’s Island shows the Russian occupation of Japanese fishing island Shikotan after World War Two through the eyes of Junpei, a boy on the cusp of adulthood. As Russian control tightens, Junpei’s family is forced to take risks to survive, and Junpei has to grow up quickly to deal with the new regime. Despite the hardships of occupation, Junpei and his younger brother Kanta are fascinated by their new neighbours. They even develop a friendship with Tanya, a Russian girl whose family has taken over their home, but how far can they trust the daughter of the Russian commander?

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PG Classification

Mild threat, sex references.

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