Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation

Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation
Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation

Film Details




131 minutes


Action and Adventure


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At the start of this, the fifth instalment of the spy series, the IMF have been disbanded by a sinister new operative at the CIA. Ethan Hunt and his team are on the run, facing up to a new opponent, a network of highly skilled agents known as The Syndicate causing havoc across the world. Delivering all the globe-trotting thrills and high-octane set-pieces audiences expect from the genre, the film is once again carried by the charisma of Tom Cruise, taking part in a series of audacious stunts. He is supported by a reliable role call of actors who may or may not be double-crossing the hero. Simon Pegg is also on hand to lend comic relief to the mayhem.

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12 Classification

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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

- Ann Hardy, Teacher, Manchester Secondary PRU, Manchester