Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
98 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Drama
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Against the backdrop of The Troubles, idealistic music fanatic Terri Hooley dreams of reigniting Belfast’s music scene, uniting the city’s divided people with reggae gigs and a record shop in one of the roughest areas. His counter-culture sensibilities struggle to find an audience in 1970s Northern Ireland and, recognising that ‘there is more than one alternative’, Hooley turns to the burgeoning Punk crowd. Terri’s gusto in championing local talent places him at the centre of a vibrant youth culture, winning success for bands like The Undertones – although does little for business. But financial rewards are hardly the point for Hooley and his infectious enthusiasm for music and people carry this feel-good love letter to the Northern Irish punk scene.
Contains strong language, once very strong, and drug use.
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Jon, a young wannabe musician bites off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.
A British soldier is left behind after a disastrous mission in 1970s Belfast.
Joyous, energetic Swedish coming-of-age comedy in which three teenagers decide to form a punk band in 1980s Stockholm.
Dramatic biopic of the troubled Joy Division singer Ian Curtis.
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