Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
84 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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Immigrant children who speak little or no French study in a special class in Paris while they learn the language in this insightful documentary. Aged between 11 and 15, the students come from all over the globe, including Ukraine, Libya, Ireland and Venezuela, and have very different stories. Rama from Senegal was mistreated by family members and masks her insecurity with antagonism. Meanwhile, Xin from China has been recently reunited with her mother, and we watch her transform from a lonely and withdrawn girl to a laughing member of the class. The camera stays mostly in the classroom, as we follow the ups and downs of the school year.
A poignant and hopeful classroom drama about a new teacher who comes in to help a class deal with a recent trauma.
Heartwarming documentary looking at a small town school in France.
Groundbreaking 1960s drama about an idealistic new teacher arriving in a tough London school. Can he turn the kids around?
Director Laurent Cantet's riveting, Palme d'Or winning drama chronicles a year in the life of a rough school in a working class suburb of Paris.
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