Martha, Jac a Sianco

Martha, Jac a Sianco
Martha, Jac a Sianco

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147 minutes






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After the death of their mother, three middle-aged siblings in west Wales must decide how to plan their futures and what to do with the family farm, which they still live on and which she has left equally between them in her will. The stress and uncertainty that arises from this huge change is exacerbated by the fact that Jac’s brash and pushy girlfriend Judy is eager to wed and move in immediately, and seems to not have the best interests of his down-to-earth sister Martha and learning-impaired brother Sianco at heart. Adapted by Caryl Lewis from her award-winning novel, this dark and melodramatic tale turns on traditional rural values. Ar ol marwolaeth, mae Martha a’i dau frawd yn gorfod penderfyny beth mae nhw am wneud gyda’r fferm deuluol yng Ngorllewin Cymru, ble mae nhw dal yn byw ac yn berchen yn hafal. Mae’r straen ac ansicrwydd sy’n codi o’r newid byd yma yn cael ei chywddo gan Jac wrth i’w gariad newydd sy’n awyddus i briodi ac i symud mewn er mwyn meddianu’r ty gyda dim diddordeb ym marn traddodiadol Martha a Sianco. Mae'r ffilm yn addasiad o nofel lwyddiannus Caryl Lewis, awdures ifanc o Geredigion. Creodd y nofel gryn gyffro ymysg darllenwyr Cymru pan gyhoeddwyd y gwaith yn 2004, gan fynd ymlaen wedyn i ennill Gwobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn, prif wobr y diwydiant cyhoeddi yng Nghymru, yn 2005.


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15 Classification

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