Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
94 minutes
Dutch / English / French / German
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Pim, an introverted adolescent who lives in a tiny Belgian coastal town and spends most of his time drawing and fantasising, is at the centre of this beautifully atmospheric, calm-paced and heartwarming drama. His restless, accordion-playing single mother thinks he lives in a world of his own, but after he develops a crush on his handsome neighbour Gino, he faces heartbreak. Gino – who is a few years older – leaves to pursue a romance with a girl across the border. But when Gino returns home one rainy day, it seems all hope may not be lost.
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Brazilian romantic drama about a blind student whose relationship with his best friend is threatened by the arrival of a handsome new boy in school.
Engrossing tragi-comedy centring on the friendship between two street drifters, a troubled gay youth in love with a rebellious rich kid.
Classic documentary charting the history of the LGBT community before the seminal Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York.
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A beautifully understated, naturalistic drama about childhood gender identity confusion that’s both touching and gently humorous.
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