Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes (Kirikou and the Men and the Women)

Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes (Kirikou and the Men and the Women)
Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes (Kirikou and the Men and the Women)

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88 minutes






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Cherished French animator Michel Ocelot returns to his popular series of Kirikou films with yet another dazzling animated film that’s a striking alternative to so many contemporary animated movies. In keeping with his other fairy-tale inspired films this new film tells the further adventures of his hero, Kirikou, in his village in Africa, as this inventive and resourceful child helps his fellow villagers overcome a number of difficulties. Kirikou’s kindness and energy win out every time. The visual style of the film is quite beautiful and the story’s focus on the relationship between a child and their community makes for essential viewing.


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U Classification

Contains some animated natural nudity.

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