Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
81 minutes
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A young penguin's dreams of adventure lead to an important mission and new friendships in this charming animated tale from Germany. Desperate to prove to his disbelieving colony that there's a world beyond their Antarctic habitat, curious Jasper quickly agrees to help when he finds a rare Kakapo parrot stranded far from home. Joined by baby brother Junior, Jasper hops aboard an ocean liner with the endangered bird, where they befriend the captain's daughter and end up racing to save the Kakapo's stolen eggs from an evil scientist. Based on a children's TV series, this is a lively and fun feature, with sweetly simple visuals and a positive eco message.
Magical, heart-warming animation about a seven-year-old who finds a live shooting star which has the power to make people fly.
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A grumpy mammoth, a sarcastic sabre-toothed tiger and a talkative sloth team up to return a baby back to its father during an ice age on Earth.
Unusual and haunting documentary following a fisherman's bid to keep alive the bond with his son despite the distance and culture that divide them.
Charming animated tale about a young boy who finds a lost penguin on his doorstep and decides to row him home to the South Pole.
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