Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
95 minutes
Action and Adventure, Drama
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Documentary filmmaker Nick Broomfield turns to fiction to tell this true story of the 23 undocumented Chinese immigrants who drowned while cockle picking in Morecambe Bay. Drawing on the similar life experiences of his non-acting cast, Broomfield focuses on single mother Ai Qin Lin who was smuggled into the UK to find work. His portrait of her struggle to earn a living highlights the exploitation of the increasing numbers of migrant workers in Britain today. It's a grim yet compelling film that combines everyday brutalities with a moment of real horror.
Documentary about immigration, focused on two Burmese families who relocate to Sheffield from a Thai refugee camp.
Two undocumented migrants form a close bond as they help each other navigate the hostile and dangerous underbelly of a London most of us never see.
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