Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
113 minutes
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When it came out in the cinemas, Kick-Ass attracted a lot of controversy. The question was: is it okay to have an 11-year-old girl involved in violent scenes both attacking and being attacked in what is basically a superhero comedy? It's about a bullied high school kid who reinvents himself as the costumed avenger Kick-Ass (not without suffering a lot of pain along the way) and becomes an ally of father-daughter team Big Daddy and Hit Girl. It's a funny, exhilarating but also unsettling movie.
Contains strong language, once very strong, & strong bloody comic violence.
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Hilarious comedy about a group of useless superheroes that are called upon to help when a crazed evil genius captures the real superhero.
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Mr Incredible and Elastigirl are forced to give up their superhero lives and settle down with their family, but as danger looms, old habits die hard.
Dark, hard-edged action-adventure that sees the very foundations of the Batman saga start in thrilling style.
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