Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
Comedy, Drama, Romance
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The standard boy-meets-girl formula gets a twist in this tricksy American comedy-drama. The action hops about in time between some of the 500 days in which Tom believes that Summer is his soulmate, entranced not just by her beauty but also by the fact she shares his taste in 1980s guitar music. The film looks great, takes an original and though-provoking look at the whole idea of romance, and has a very appealing pair of stars in Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.
infrequent strong language, moderate sex references
Find out more on the BBFC website
Romantic comedy in which Harry and Sally first detest each other, then have a long friendship before finally realising it may be something more.
Funny, touching love story set in the hubub of 60s New York, in which insurance clerk CC Baxter finds himself caught a tricky love triangle.
Charming, offbeat romance about a young tourist who persuades a French stranger to get off the train with him in Vienna to wander round for the night.
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