Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
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This hit comedy is about 30-year-old Toula Portokalos, who is unmarried and pretty much shackled to her large Greek family. She works in her father's restaurant and although he dreams of her getting married, his wish for her to find a nice Greek husband doesn't sit well with Toula. Wanting more from life she decides to enroll for computer classes, which eventually leads to a new job and a meeting with a hunky English teacher who is decidedly non-Greek. They date in secret until they get found out, which leads to an inevitable clash of family cultures.
Fantastic melodrama that revolves around a middle-aged, middle-class woman who falls for an earthy, free-spirited gardener.
Feel-good British romantic comedy set in the Christmas run-up interweaving nine stories, including a bachelor prime minister falling for his tea lady.
Romantic comedy in which Harry and Sally first detest each other, then have a long friendship before finally realising it may be something more.
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