Into Film Clubs
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114 minutes
Spanish (English subtitles)
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The less you know about this strange and wonderful Spanish film in advance the better. The starting point is an ill-judged flirtation between a man, a vain playboy Cesar and an attractive young woman, Sofia much to the annoyance of his girlfriend Nuria, a dalliance that leads to tragedy and far more twists and turns than could possibly be outlined here. It was remade in the US as Vanilla Sky, with Cruz, again, and Tom Cruise.
This film has several uses of strong bad language and moderate sex and violence.
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Beautifully shot and deeply moving Spanish melodrama from the masterful director Pedro Almodóvar.
Mind-bending and utterly original drama about a broken-hearted man who wipes a whole relationship from his memory.
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A retired detective suffering from vertigo is hired to follow the wife of a friend but soon finds himself caught up in a web of deceit and lies.
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