Training Sessions

Want to learn new ways of using film to inspire learning? Our free CPD training programme can help.

Face to Face Training
Face to Face Training

Our training for groups is available to educators working with 5-19 year olds. We can work directly with your school, or with groups of schools and educators looking to take part in our high quality training.

  • Our free* training is available to educators working with 5-19-year-olds. We can work directly with your school, networks of schools or community groups looking to take part in our high-quality training.
  • We offer free sessions on a range of topics which can be delivered face-to-face or online as interactive webinars.
  • Our programme demonstrates the benefits of using film as text to develop critical thinking, digital literacy and communication skills that will support learners across the curriculum.
  • Filmmaking has the power not only to increase educational attainment for pupils across the curriculum but also to empower teachers with an exciting new means of assessing learning.
  • Our filmmaking training emphasises film as a teaching tool to encourage deep and active learning, and facilitates young people taking control of their own learning processes.

* All of our standard training sessions are free. Please email us for costings if you are interested in a bespoke session for your setting.

Browse our wide range of sessions below and complete the online enquiry form to register your interest. We'll keep you updated on the progress of your request.

Training in Welsh / Hyfforddiant yn y Gymraeg

Darperir sesiynau wyneb-yn-wyneb ar sail y galw a gellir trefnu rhywbeth yn benodol ar gyfer eich staff neu glwtswr drwy gysylltu â ni ar Wrth gysylltu â ni fe allwn ni drafod yr opsiynau gyda chi a theilwra sesiwn i gyd-fynd â'ch anghenion.

Select one of the categories below to explore the range of sessions we have on offer:




Film qualifications:

Wellbeing and the world:

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